
Langkawi to Kuala Lumpur - Flight

The difference between flying from Langkawi to Kuala Lumpur and getting the ferry/coach was very small. However one takes only 1 hour whilst the other 8 hours. Simple choice. We found AirAsia to be the cheapest airline and they had several flights leaving each day. We picked the cheapest flight leaving just after lunchtime at 12.50. This flight cost 187.96RM for 2 people with 15kg of luggage each.

Nothing but problems with AirAsia
After booking the flight I received no confirmation email from AirAsia. I managed to check my online banking to see that the payment had been successful. A couple of days later I got a general email to say I could check in for my flight which I did with no problem. Only after checking in did I realise that the flight time was now at 15.10. I didn't have any email to see if it was my mistake or if the flight had change.

I contacted AirAsia using there live chat feature online, I waited in the queue for over an hour. Here I got confirmation that my flight time had indeed changed so I asked them why I wasn't contacted to be made aware. The reply I got said, our staff my have been too busy to email you, which I thought was awful! I told them it was very unprofessional from AirAsia but thanked her for helping to which she abruptly left the live chat.

We turned up at the airport 2 and half hours before our flight departed. We had to use an AirAsia machine to print off our luggage tags before heading over to the bagged drop off. It was quite a quick and efficient method and we headed through to departures.

Langkawi airport is very small with only 4 gates and plenty of AirAsia flights leaving to KL. There was a lot of confusion with when our flight was boarding as some flights only had 10 minutes between them. For some reason our flight had been moved from 12.50 to 15.10 and the 15.20 flight was now leaving at 15.00. I have no idea who decides on all of this! 

Lots of confusion around times!
Finally we boarded the plane and headed towards the runway. However after lining up on the runway we turned around and headed back to the gate. We weren't told anything for a while and waited for some information. The pilot then told us something was wrong with the plane and we would be delayed by 30 minutes. After 45 minutes we got told we must take our luggage and depart the plane for the departures lounge.

Here we weren't given any updates for a while and only had a small snack shop available to us for food and drink. After hours of waiting we were informed that we would be boarding another plane at 6pm.

'Now Everyone Can Fly'
Once we were back on the plane we finally took off and reached Kuala Lumpur in about an hour. The plane was fine with limited legroom for someone over 6ft!

Upon arrival we got our luggage quickly and headed to the KLIA express train to KL Sentral.  We did hear taking a taxi was cheaper however when I asked for a quote at the taxi stand to Chinatown they quoted me well over 100 ringgit when I had been told it should be 80. The KLIA express is 55 ringgit each but only takes under 30 minutes. It is very easy and comfortable to use.

1.5 out of 5  

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