
Hoi An to Hue - EasyRider

After a fantastic few days in Hoi An I planned to move onto Hue via the Hai Van Pass. At first, I thought about renting a motorbike and riding across myself- but with little experience and knowledge of motorbikes, I opted against this.

After this, I decided to go with an easy rider and looked around online. I decided on going with EasyRider Hoi An which had been recommended on TripAdvisor. I emailed the company and within a few hours, I had arranged to go with them for a fee of $55 with an 07.30am start the next day.

In the morning, they arrived on perfectly on time and after securely strapping my backpacks onto the bike, we set off for Hoi An.

• The first stop of the journey was Marble Mountain- not far away from Hoi An. This was fascinating to see and had some great views from the top. 

• We then rode through Danang and stopped on the beach front. My guide took a few photos of me on the bike with my phone, making it look like I was driving.

• Following this, we made our way onto the Hai Van pass- this was certainly the highlight of the ride! The views were phnemonal and we stopped at various points for photos and a drink, with the guide giving me loads of information. Of course they mentioned Top Gear!

• I hadn't expected much after this, however I had forgotten that we were stopping at Elephant Falls. Wow. It is a must on the way to Hue- the various fresh water pools and waterfalls make it very refreshing!

• With an hour to go, we stopped at a roadside cafe for some local food. I got given homemade soups, a mound of food including fish, shrimp, chicken & pork and an omelette. Not all to my taste but nevertheless great to try.

• Approaching Hue my driver stopped one final time for a drink and to try and get me onto another tour in Hue. I had no interest in going on another tour, however I spoke with him about them and took his number if I changed my mind. Sometimes this can change the mood however all was fine!

• Finally we arrived at my hotel in Hue at 14.00 on time and paid for the ride.

Overall the EasyRider experience and day was great, the fee included all entrance fees, drinks and food. I would recommend this journey to anyone travelling, whether you decide to either ride by yourself or go with an EasyRider.

5 out of 5

Travel Connoisseur Dan

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