
Nha Trang to Hoi An - Sleeper Bus

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog 'Travel Connoisseur Dan'. As this is my first blog, I'll do quick introduction of myself; I'm currently travelling around South East Asia and have been here for over 2 months now. I have currently visited South Thailand, Cambodia and I am now in Vietnam.

My first blog is going to give you some information about travelling from Nha Trang to Hoi An. I had a look around at local deals for this trip but with it being an 11 hour sleeper bus I decided to travel with the more well known company called The Sinh Tourist. We located their office in Nha Trang and booked tickets for the sleeper bus.
They run one bus daily to Hoi An which leaves at 19.00 local time at a cost of 249,000 Vietnamese Dong. You only need to arrive at the office 30 minutes before arrival to check in.

Once I arrived at the bus it was a very smooth process of getting onto the bus and we left just before 19.00 with a full bus. With being 6ft 4 I had asked for a middle seat on the ground floor when booking to hopefully have enough leg room! Even though I couldn't stretch my legs out fully I could put them into either aisle easily.
After leaving we stopped a few times before 12 mainly for toilet breaks and the driver to have a smoke and drink. From 12 we didn't stop until 4 however most people seemed to be sleeping. If you do need the bathroom they will stop if you ask however most of the time it will be just on the side of the road.
After just 10 hours we arrived in Hoi An in the early hours of the morning at 5.15am. Taxi drivers are around if needs be however I  choose to walk to our accommodation with a nice cool morning stroll. Thankfully my accommodation had early check in!

Overall experience of this journey with The Sinh Tourist was very good. No thrills but we arrived on time with no problems.

4.5 out of 5  

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