
Huay Xai to Chiang Mai - Minibus

We booked our final bus out of Laos at our hotel Thaveesinh opposite the gibbon experience office. The ticket costs 90,000kip which included a tuk tuk to the border, bus transfer over the friendship bridge and a minibus to Chiang Mai on the Thai side.

The tuk tuk picked us up 8.30am and we were given a sticker so the minibus driver in Thailand knows who to look for. After 20/30 minutes we arrived at the border.

Laos passport control is quite quick but can be limited to only 2 queues for foreigners. Make sure you fill your departure card in before queuing up or you'll be sent back to complete this. One additional note; we were required to pay 10,000kip each to leave Laos after passport control.

We waited for the border crossing bus to pick us up, we'd been allocated a ticket for this. Again this is pretty quick and we arrived at Thailand's border control (Chiang Khong). We had to fill in an arrival card and queue up to be stamped into the country.

Prior to arriving, we had heard/read various things on whether you get a 15 or 30 day visa at a land border. Most official sources say 15 days, however we received 30 days.

We then met our pick up driver and got told we will leave in about an hour, presumably waiting for more people. After half an hour we were ushered onto the minibus and within 15 minutes it was full and we set off for Chiang Mai.

The drive was fine and took about 5 hours with a 30 minute stop. We arrived in Chiang Mai around 4pm and got dropped off opposite the main entrance gates to the old town. From here it's easy to grab a red sorngtaaou (red pick up truck) to your accommodation for 20 to 40 baht per person.

4 out of 5


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