
Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang - Minibus

After our first minibus experience in Laos, I didn't expect much from this journey.  How wrong was I?!

We arranged travel through our hotel, Pans Place, for the 9am minibus which takes 4 hours costing 90,000kip. The other option was a vip bus which cost more money and takes 6 hours leaving at 10am- however this may take a safer route!

We were the last ones to be picked up at 8.45am and had to settle for the front seats alongside the driver. This minibus was much nicer than the last one we got and seemed quite new with its leather seats. 

The first hour of the journey was lovely and scenic with plenty of cows and goats wandering around along the road. You then have a quick pitstop for about 15 minutes. 

After this, you start climbing up into the mountains, which at first offers great views, especially from the front seats. However after 10 minutes, we went past a coach which must of crashed not long before. Thankfully it only had damage to the front of the coach and didn't seem to be too serious.

The roads climbing up are in a terrible state with huge potholes everywhere. Thankfully, our driver seemed to know the roads well. He was very patient and cautious as some corners you had to go around on the wrong side of the road. The higher we got the worst the visibility got and soon we were in thick fog. This got most of us on the edge of our seats as we watched on. Even with cars, minibuses and trucks going the other way we made it through the fog. The other side was a slow decent.

Once back on more normal roads, we made one final 10 minute stop and then arrived near the National Musuem/Palace in Luang Prabang just after 1pm. 

A very unique drive.

4.5 out of 5 

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