
Medan to Bukit Lawang (Return) - Tourist Bus

Sorry I missed out this post of Medan to Bukit Lawang. 

We were able to book our bus tickets with our trekking company; Bukit Lawang Jungle Trekking for 15€ each. They called it a tourist bus which is basically a 7 seater car. We arranged to be picked up 11am however our hotel got a phone call to say he was running half an hour late which wasn't a problem. 

'Tourist Bus' 
Another couple were already in the car when we got picked up and when we got chatting they were still to be dropped off in Medan. After that we picked up 3 more people which took a while due to the awful traffic around Medan!

One more short stop for the driver to have a cigarette and we were on our way. The car inside was very nice with plenty of space and a small music video screen in the front to watch.

The roads heading towards Bukit Lawang were truly awful from pot holes and it was an extremely bumpy ride. We went through many some villages with school kids waving to you at every opportunity! A very lovely scenic route towards the jungle in Bukit Lawang.

When we arrived we were picked up by motorbikes and taken to our guesthouse. This was a very fun experience, sitting on a motorbike with your big backpacks on!

The return journey to Medan was very similar to the one going! For some reason it only cost us 120,000 IDR each which is nearly half of what we paid going. A bit more of a basic car this time but again it was fine.

The only major downside of both journeys was how long it took due to mainly the traffic in Medan. Both journeys took about 5 to 6 hours each.

4 out of 5 

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