
Bali to Gili Trawangan - Fast Boat

The choices for fast boats to Gili Trawangan are endless and I spent a good while looking around online at prices and reviews. The best boat seemed to be Blue Water Express which costs three times the price of cheaper ones. Of course the cheap ones all had awful reviews on online websites such as TripAdvisor. 

After reading around, I decided to opt for Eka Jaya, instead of the likes of Semaya One and others. I can't remember why exactly but either way how bad could a short boat ride be? Prices online were a lot pricier so we booked a few days before at a travel agency in Ubud.

I went into several travel agencies and got offered tickets ranging from 500,000 idr return up to 1,500,000 idr. All the Eka Jaya return tickets were between 600,000 idr and 1,000,000 idr. Some people say you can get it for as little as 400,000 idr if you find the right travel agency on the right day.

Anyway we booked 2 return tickets for 600,000 idr with the shuttle bus picking us up at 11am and the boat departing from Padang Bai harbour at 1pm. We also had the option of being picked up at 7am. They arrived on time and we spent the next hour picking up other people from around Ubud.

Traffic near the boat harbour was very bad and when it passed 1pm we were worried we might have missed the boat. However, within 20 minutes we were all checked in at their office and running for the boat. We think everyone just about made it!

The boat was a nice surprise! Inside was quite modern with a film playing and plenty of room. We were on the Eka Jaya 23 boat, I think they have two boat types. The journey took around 2 hours and the sea was quite calm. We stopped off at Gili Air first to drop and pick people up. When we arrived our luggage was handed down to us on the beach. We headed off for our guesthouse, hopefully the return journey would be the same!

Arriving at Gili Trawangan

4 out of 5 

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